Meet the Instructors

Liselle (She responds to anyone who attempts to pronounce her name.)

Meet the instructor and founder of Desert Patriot Training!

A little about Liselle and how she got to where she is now. She grew up as a ranch girl always around rifles for hunting but never had any experience with pistols until later on in life. Some unthinkable things happened to her as a young child and teenager. She became a victim of sexual abuse but a SURVIVOR. Liselle started carrying a pistol as soon as she could. After realizing that many women did not feel safe with firearms she felt the need to change that so they never have to fear becoming a victim. She also realized not all men had experience or knowledge along with children not understanding the safety of firearms.

After seeking firearm training on her own she noticed the lack of female students in classes and more so the lack of female instructors in the firearm industry. Often feeling intimidated by being the only female doing live fire training she felt this had to change.

Liselle got her NRA certifications to become an instructor to reach bigger goals to educate and support women, men and children. She went on to open an LLC which is now called Desert Patriot Training. Within the last 2 years of opening Desert Patriot Training Liselle also was able to contract with other companies to teach firearm education and live fire training within Arizona, Nevada, Minnesota and Oklahoma. She has taught more than 400+ confident and responsible gun owners and is not planning on quitting anytime soon.

Her goal in this industry is to bring awareness, knowledge and training to all walks of life. As individuals she believes it is our own personal responsibility to protect ourselves and families and not fall into a “victim mentality” mindset. We are so glad you're here on this page. That means you acknowledge much of the above and taking action. We are very proud of you for that and we will see you in an upcoming course soon!